Minecraft Digital Numeric Input

Pulling out an old one here, this is a numeric input I made in Minecraft years ago. It consists of a numpad with confirm and clear button, demultiplexed base-10 storage, a 7-segment display showing the stored number and binary output on the back. Numbers naturally shift on the display as more digits are input and empty digits are displayed with all segments off. The input supports digits up to 255, anything above is rejected with the display turning on all segments. The binary output on the back is enabled when the green confirm button is pressed, and the red clear button resets the system to an empty storage.

I made this device to practice my knowledge of low-level computing as well as Minecraft redstone. I hoped to someday continue and make a full Redstone computer, but it remains to be seen if I ever follow through with that. I do want to do more with my knowledge of low-level computing, perhaps something more physical.

Testing session with Andrei

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